State Rep. Jay DeBoyer has introduced a House resolution calling on the federal government to properly enforce federal immigration laws in order to protect Michigan residents, while encouraging Gov. Gretchen Whitmer to stand with a fellow state governor as the situation on the US-Mexico border continues to deteriorate.
The U.S. Department of Justice has recently sued the state of Texas over efforts to protect its sovereignty and security. These efforts include a new state law criminalizing illegal immigration and empowering local law enforcement and judges to provide relief for overwhelmed border communities.
“The situation on our southern border is more far-reaching than Texas,” said DeBoyer, of Clay Township. “Many cities and different areas of the country are being overwhelmed by this surge, and it’s ultimately pulling resources away from critical public services like public safety and school programs. The federal government’s unwillingness to get a handle on this has created a crisis that is playing out every day and is only going to get worse. Instead of shoring up immigration policies and enforcement to rectify the issue, the federal government is actively working against a state that is simply enforcing its own laws and demonstrating a commitment to its border and sovereignty. That’s a backwards approach that has concerning ramifications for every state.
“Instead of playing politics and propping up a federal administration that is clearly failing when it comes to protecting our country’s border, Gov. Whitmer should acknowledge the importance of a state having the right to determine its own laws and policies in accordance with its values and priorities.”
DeBoyer has also introduced a pair of bills that would make it a felony to be in the state as an illegal immigrant. The measures are similar to legislative steps taken by the state of Texas.
Border authorities encountered more than 225,000 migrants along the US-Mexico border in December, according to Department of Homeland Security statistics – the highest monthly total recorded since 2000. Daily apprehensions by border authorities often surpassed 10,000.
House Bills 5465-66, which criminalize being in the state as an individual who is not lawfully present within the country, and House Resolution 196 were referred to the House Government Operations Committee for consideration.

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