By: State Rep. Pauline Wendzel
As I’ve written about in previous articles, the Michigan House is currently at a 54-54 split, meaning that the Democrats’ march toward increasingly radical policy has been temporarily halted. That is, until special elections fill two vacant seats occur in April.
Now that Democrats have returned from their prolonged Christmas break, this reality hasn’t quite set in. In the first weeks back, only one bill was passed: a highway naming bill. The other far-left policies were put up for a vote but were stopped by Republicans.
Instead of working with us to advance commonsense, bipartisan legislation that will make life better for Michigan residents, the Democrats have repeatedly canceled sessions altogether.
Even committees, where they maintain a significant majority of the votes, aren’t being regularly scheduled.
To break this gridlock, House Republicans have presented the Speaker with dozens of bipartisan bills that our caucus is willing to support. Unsurprisingly, those bills have not been scheduled for a vote. At this point, the Speaker has two options; he can work with Republicans in a way that reflects an evenly divided chamber, or he and the Democrats can take their ball and go home until they regain a majority. What will happen over these next few weeks will send Michigan voters a clear message. Is the majority party willing to work on commonsense, pro-growth policies to help our residents, or will they going to continue following the California roadmap leading our state towards disaster?
As always, I appreciate hearing from you. If you have any questions or comments, please don’t hesitate to reach out at 517-373-1799 or at PaulineWendzel@house.mi.gov

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