Rep. Outman: The first of many increases to come – it’s the unwanted gift that keeps on giving
State Rep. Pat Outman (R-Six Lakes), who serves on the House Energy Committee, issued the following statement after the Michigan Public Service Commission authorized DTE Energy to raise rates on customers by $368 million — a 6.4% increase:
“Rate increases like this are just the beginning of what’s ahead for Michiganders under Democrats’ Green New Deal. Just one day after the governor signed the plan into law, we’re already seeing detrimental impacts.
“What’s in store is much bleaker, and it’s exactly why I fought against these radical, fast-paced and costly energy mandates. Unfortunately, this will be a case of living and learning for Michigan, rather than learning from other’s mistakes, like the ones made by California lawmakers who are now backpedaling on their failed energy policies.
“Michigan energy providers were already headed in a great direction in terms of clean energy innovation before this policy was signed into law. But now, Democrats are forcing them to fast track those improvements at a pace they can’t sustain or afford.
“The Mackinac Center and Center of the American Experiment estimate that achieving net zero goals in this accelerated timeline will add billions in costs for ratepayers. Residents in my communities and others throughout Michigan cannot afford to spend more on their utilities, especially now as other household costs continue to inflate more and more. The hits keep on coming, and this plan proves that the legislators in majority are out of touch with the people of our state.”

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